
Creating replays

There are two ways to create a replay clip.



This is used when you don't know when something is happening, like a goal in ice hockey.

Click the Cut button and a clip is created in the list below. The clip contains by default the last 8 seconds.

Mark in/out

Use mark in/out when you know the start and end points, like an interview. Click Mark in to register the mark in. Click Mark out to register the mark out, and the clip is created in the list below.

Clip length and trimming


For clips created with the Cut button two presets is available.

  • Short: 8 seconds
  • Long: 16 seconds

You can change the presets by going to LiveReplayer → Preferences and using the step buttons.


Stepping and extending

Next to each clip you have buttons to extend or move the replay in time.


The buttons with the plus signs add 2 seconds to the clip, and the arrows moves the clip 2 seconds.

Symbol Meaning
Prepend two seconds
Move backwards 2 seconds in time
Move forward 2 seconds in time
Append two seconds

You can also trim manually by clicking the Trim button. Trim the clip using the yellow handles and then hit the Trim button to save.

Clip groups

If you have added more than one input the clips is created inside a clip group. The group contains replays from all the inputs when you clicked the Cut button.

Renaming groups

Double click on the gray group bar where it says "Untitled group".

Drag n drop an entire group

Drag n drop the whole group by holding down the mouse over the group name.